Posted by 5S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Posted on 3:24 AM | Posted in
A 24-year-old native woman brings the total number of deaths in Malaysia to seven. Dr Mohd Ismail said 39 new flu cases were reported yesterday, taking the total number of cases to 1,429.
** Quote from The Star Online.
Meanwhile, there are 3 students from 5S3 were confirmed positive of influenza A (H1N1).
So, to prevent H1N1 Swine Flu Infection...
p/s: Sorry Wei Liang. It was a typo, I've edited it. :P
A 24-year-old native woman brings the total number of deaths in Malaysia to seven. Dr Mohd Ismail said 39 new flu cases were reported yesterday, taking the total number of cases to 1,429.
** Quote from The Star Online.
Meanwhile, there are 3 students from 5S3 were confirmed positive of influenza A (H1N1).
So, to prevent H1N1 Swine Flu Infection...
I knew a teacher has shown us the proper way to wash our hands during morning assembly, just in case you were daydreaming, chit chatting with friends or looking at other boys/girls etc. *cough*
And, HELLO Ms. Lim.
*waves hand* :D
I knew a teacher has shown us the proper way to wash our hands during morning assembly, just in case you were daydreaming, chit chatting with friends or looking at other boys/girls etc. *cough*
And, HELLO Ms. Lim.
*waves hand* :D
p/s: Sorry Wei Liang. It was a typo, I've edited it. :P
- by c.kay
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