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5S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Posted on
3:24 AM
Posted in
A 24-year-old native woman brings the total number of deaths in Malaysia to seven. Dr Mohd Ismail said 39 new flu cases were reported yesterday, taking the total number of cases to 1,429. ** Quote from The Star Online.
Meanwhile, there are 3 students from 5S3 were confirmed positive of influenza A (H1N1).
So, to prevent H1N1 Swine Flu Infection...
YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO WASH YOUR HANDS PROPERLY! I knew a teacher has shown us the proper way to wash our hands during morning assembly, just in case you were daydreaming, chit chatting with friends or looking at other boys/girls etc. *cough*
And,HELLO Ms. Lim. *waves hand* :D
p/s: Sorry Wei Liang. It was a typo, I've edited it. :P
Posted by
5S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Posted on
12:23 AM
Posted in
*I just had to do this... I JUST HAD TO!*
I just bought my copy of the Galaxie magazine last Saturday and there was this really interesting article in it. Seeing all the buzz about Michael Jackson's death in 4S4 and how people go...
"RIP, MJ!"
"Smooth criminal... "
Ok, self-declared MJ fans... ARE YOU REALLY A MJ FAN?
Where were YOU when MJ needed you?
Where were YOU when he needed you to buy his albums by the 10s of millions in his later years, when he was clawing desperately for money and he even had to foreclose the Neverland Ranch to pay off his debts???
Why weren't YOU thronging the streets and doing mass protest when he was accused (twice) of child molestation?
I'm pretty sure none of us 4S4ians did that.
Who are considered 'fans '? According to Wikipedia (>.<)...
"A fan, aficionado, or supporter is someone who has an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a sporting club, person (usually a celebrity), group of persons, company, product, activity, work of art, idea, or trend. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They often show their enthusiasm by starting a fan club, holding fan conventions, creating fanzines, writing fan mail, or promoting the object of their interest and attention."
Hmmm.... I'm pretty sure none of us did the following above too...
Like what Suzie Tan wrote, I don't really consider myself a MJ fan... I like his music though. I've watched him performed live in Malaysia back in 1997 on the idiot box. I downloaded a few of his songs into my phone EVEN BEFORE HE DIED. I enjoyed his music and his dance moves long before he died.
Am I considered a fan of MJ, even though I remembered watching him perform on TV and I asked my mum whether he was a 'guy' or a 'girl' twelve years ago? And even though I remembered singing along to Beat It and Billie Jean?
Am I going to pretend I was once a fan now that it's cool to do so?
A fan would stand by his/her idol through thick and thin. I don't really consider myself a fan of MJ. But I am a fan of Paramore! :D
Proof? Well...
I did set up a Paramore fansite for their upcoming album, Brand New Eyes... (Link)
I did do a sketch on Paramore....
I hunted for Paramore's sophomore album, RIOT! and I DID IT! :)
I know Paramore's Playing God lyrics from Brand New Eyes even before the song is released. (It hasn't been released yet actually... haha...)
I know almost all of RIOT! songs by heart. I downloaded their demos, covers and songs from their debut album, All We Know Is Falling.
I can play four Paramore songs on the piano by heart...
I think I am considered a fan of Paramore.
I really feel sorry for him.
During his toughest time, very few fans were there for him. People constantly criticized him, called him pedophile, etc...
And now that he's DEAD... practically everyone goes 'googoo gaga' over him.
Some of you may be asking ... Why am I writing this?
Well, honestly, I'm tired of all the fuss about MJ. Now that he's dead, people are starting to listen to his songs, learning his dance moves, moonwalking, etc, etc, etc...
It's a really sad case and I really pity MJ.
*RIP, MJ. I may not be your biggest fan. But I'm proud to say that I enjoyed your music even before you passed away.*
~Rachael ;)
*hiding behind the sofa from objects being thrown at her*
Posted by
5S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Posted on
12:44 AM
Posted in
for all, sorry. esp yi wen. the password i've given was wrong for exceeding a letter. NEVERTHELESS, you ffked me. somehow. YE production was on Saturday. Did you guys support us? hope SO.
please. do something to this blog. make it hot by adding something such as polls, pictures, things happening in our daily lifes and so on.
shall i present you a joke?
Dirty Joke
The bride tells her husband
The bride tells her husband, "Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?"
"OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the prison' and call my private thing 'the prisoner'. So what we do is: put the prisoner in the prison.
And then they made love for the first time.
Afterwards, the guy is lying face up on the bed, smiling with satisfaction.
Nudging him, his bride giggles, "Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped."
Turning on his side, he smiles. "Then we will have to re-imprison him."
After the second time they spent, the guy reaches for his cigarettes but the girl, thoroughly enjoying the new experience of making love, gives him a suggestive smile, "Honey, the prisoner is out again!"
The man rises to the occasion, but with the unsteady legs of a recently born foal.
Afterwards, he lays back on the bed, totally exhausted.
She nudges him and says, "Honey, the prisoner escaped again."
Limply turning his head, He YELLS at her, "Hey, its not a life sentence, OKAY!
i'm just back from hometown. probably needs some rest and homework is accumulating. should i carry on?
not nice. may be i shall give it 6/10 for the graphics and so on. just feel something is missing from there. the ending, probably huh?
how can i miss this show? but i need to find some time to watch.
going to watch KNOWING which was quite an old film, which i bought it yesterday from my hometown,
guys, i mean 4s4 dudes in exact. please do something to this blog! your cooperation is much more appreciated. special dedicated to MR CHAN KHIN KHUIN, LEE WEI LIANG AND LEONG KAI LUN.
i thought you guys were such passionate to blog? come on. prove it to us man.